Sunday, June 01, 2008

Every Vote Counts?

Remember Al Gore's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004? He bellows, "every vote counts." Where is he now when the "new" DNC says MI and FL are only worthy of half a vote? The howl of Gore is deafening. All registered voters should be able to vote and their vote must be tabulated. Even the brave serving our country throughout the world must not be left out.

This whole delegate debacle the DNC created is absurd and puts their self-serving interests front and center. It is clear they are not the party of the people. Rather, they are the party of the privileged and those who live above the law. To see just one example, compare the percentage of income that is given to charitable organizations by Democrats to that of the Republicans. You will find a significant difference.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Senator Byrd's Picture is Missing

Visiting the International Spy Museum with my son I noticed its subtle political correctness. For example, on many occasions the exhibits mention the "Japanese Americans" who numbered 120,000 and were forcibly sent to internment camps. Reasons given for the internment included fear and the ubiquitous racial discrimination charge. In fact, a quote from a government employee dated November 1941 is shown stating "[T]he Japanese Americans pose no threat."

As we encountered the false information I provided my son with the correct information and facts that were conveniently omitted. I can only hope that other parents had their interest piqued.

How does this relate to Senator Byrd's picture?

The ISM (rather apropos*) includes a category of Hate Crimes and has an extensive history of the KKK. While there are many folks included by name such as David Duke, I wondered aloud, "Why isn't Senator Byrd's picture here? He was a member of the KKK."

If David Duke is not an appropriate individual to run for public office, why do we tolerate Senator Byrd? Does he remain in office due to the support of West Virginians or does he use other methods to maintain his office? Surely it is not unpatriotic to question Senator Byrd's ability to remain in office if we can have the MSM and others outright lie about our military.

One more thing, there was ample connections made between the KKK and the violent militia groups and their belief in the Bible. For example, a "closet" was displayed containing the items that one militia group requires their members to have. There were three rifles, camos, a King James Version of the Bible, 1000 rounds of extra ammunition and enough for their handguns. There are plenty examples of wrong being done in the name of God, but nowhere did we read about the Hadeeth or the Koran spurring violence against "infidels".

* According to Merriam-Webster an ISM is "a distinctive doctrine, cause or theory." And based on the politically correct information supplied, the International Spy Museum (ISM) is propagating theories along with facts. This is most dangerous as many will blindly believe both as truth.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat a Hero?

Does the MSM really believe that a top FBI official leaking information is a hero? Merriam Webster defines a hero as a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities.

The reason provided by Mr. Felt's family for his actions was he was upset about being passed over for a promotion. Mr. Felt does not qualify as a hero. Have we really devalued "hero" to include vindictive people like Mr. Felt?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Public School New Low

This is amazing. The only thing missing is the officer wearing his uniform for the demonstration.

What about safety concerns? Did anyone take into consideration the safety of the spectators? What about those in adjoining classrooms? Heaven forbid that this was in a multi-level building.

Homeschoolers I have met are proud their children do NOT know how to create their own meth. Hmmm, maybe that is why homeschoolers typically do better on achievement tests.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Cold Feet Can Be Expensive

The strange events of Jennifer Wilbanks' disappearance does create many questions. However, there are some questions which are not being asked. For instance, why are we so eager to have her reimburse the city/county/state for costs they incurred to search for her?

Let's take it a step further. Why are we not demanding the same from the criminals? Remember Brian Nichols? There has been no public debate about him reimbursing the city/county/state/federal governments for their expenses. Or those long and dangerous police chases, do those apprehended pay for the damage they cause?

Restitution must be a part of any reform. Requiring restitution by criminals will drive the point of personal responsibility home.

While irresponsible adult behavior can be forgiven, it does not mean that the consequences of those actions are dismissed. Jennifer may have great difficulty paying the $100,000 some have estimated, but it would be reasonable for her to receive an invoice for services rendered.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

"We Have a New Pope"

The words the world has been waiting for since John Paul II's death. Watching the events unfold during lunch today, I watched an interview on CNN with some German citizen's in the Vatican. The question was raised about Pope Benedict XVI being a conservative. The Catholic to whom the question was posed answered, "Well, I'm not as conservative as him, but I think the church needs to change." He didn't agree with all of the church's views.

The Church does not need to change. The Bible clearly states the Church is God's instrument on earth. It is neither a building or a denomination; the Church is each follower of Jesus Christ. The interviewee has a disconnect between the Bible and his own personal worldview which I call arrogance.

We can have disagreements over different items, some more critical than others, which leads to our denominational differences. However, who are we to say the church/Church needs to change simply because we don't share the same views? I have seen this excuse often used as a way to deflect personal responsibility for non-Biblical behavior.

Let's move beyond our personal feelings and conform to what the Scriptures say. We really ought take direction from God through His Word. Or, is it that we would rather approach the Bible with our own presuppositions? Personally, it is easier for me to feel smug when the Bible agrees with me. It is much more uncomfortable to agree with the Bible. The Bible is not something we can simply pick and choose what we want to follow. Either it is all true or it is wholly suspect. For me and my house, the Bible is true.

Congratulations to my Catholic friends on the selection of their new Pope, Benedict XVI. May God use him to accomplish His will.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Kofi's Attempt at Deflection

This article would be funny if it wasn't for the Left's predisposition to swallow it whole! According to Kofi's latest comments, the U.S. and Britain bear the responsibility for the Oil for Food Scandal. Next he will be blaming his son's involvement on entrapment. Or, maybe on the VRC?