Sunday, February 27, 2005

Bald Eagles More Valuable than Terry Schiavo

This past Saturday morning I made the mistake of watching NBC and listened to their drivel. They did a piece on Terry Schiavo and that on March 18th "her feeding tube will be removed" read: starved to death.

Immediately following this item was a piece on bald eagles that had been killed for their feathers. It showed the beautiful bird in flight and several perched in trees. Then, it showed several dead birds on the ground. Yes, this is a crime and the poachers, should be punished. However, it was Campbell Brown's comment after this story which is telling. Ms. Brown said, "I hate that."

My point is that Ms. Brown was silent on the issue of starving Terry Schiavo to death, but was upset enough about the bald eagles to "hate" what had been done to these birds. Few will disagree that the bald eagle story does involve a crime, but what about the act of starving a human?

We have so devalued human life that we place a higher value on animals. Take for example the television show on Animal Planet titled "Animal Cops". This show is a classic example of animal rights activists gone nuts! Do not lose my point, our culture's emphasis is upside down. We can argue about Terry's "quality of life", but removing her only method of receiving nutrition so that she will die is a willful act. It may not qualify for "malice aforethought", but it does meet the definition of manslaughter.

In the 1970s a philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, created a film series dealing with the value of human life. This film series was titled Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Dr. C. Everett Koop, before he became Surgeon General, was also a part of this project. Mr. Schaeffer said "The thinkables of the eighties and nineties will certainly include things which most people today find unthinkable and immoral, even unimaginable and too extreme to suggest."

He was right.

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