Friday, March 18, 2005

Congress Does What it Supposed To

While the liberals decry intervention by Congress in the Terry Schiavo case, they provide another example of hypocrisy. The will of the people of Florida is to prevent the forced starvation of a living human being. Some nut case of a judge does not seem to understand the words in the Declaration of Independence that we have "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We grant more life, liberty and happiness to the most heinous criminals and baby eagles. However, we are not able to sustain these same Rights to a human whom a handful deem to have a poor quality of life.

Congress has the right to involved itself in such matters as this. Unaccountable judges are thwarting the will of the people. Moreover, that will is something our forefathers recognized. Perhaps this judge needs a U.S. history lesson.

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