Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Senator Byrd's Picture is Missing

Visiting the International Spy Museum with my son I noticed its subtle political correctness. For example, on many occasions the exhibits mention the "Japanese Americans" who numbered 120,000 and were forcibly sent to internment camps. Reasons given for the internment included fear and the ubiquitous racial discrimination charge. In fact, a quote from a government employee dated November 1941 is shown stating "[T]he Japanese Americans pose no threat."

As we encountered the false information I provided my son with the correct information and facts that were conveniently omitted. I can only hope that other parents had their interest piqued.

How does this relate to Senator Byrd's picture?

The ISM (rather apropos*) includes a category of Hate Crimes and has an extensive history of the KKK. While there are many folks included by name such as David Duke, I wondered aloud, "Why isn't Senator Byrd's picture here? He was a member of the KKK."

If David Duke is not an appropriate individual to run for public office, why do we tolerate Senator Byrd? Does he remain in office due to the support of West Virginians or does he use other methods to maintain his office? Surely it is not unpatriotic to question Senator Byrd's ability to remain in office if we can have the MSM and others outright lie about our military.

One more thing, there was ample connections made between the KKK and the violent militia groups and their belief in the Bible. For example, a "closet" was displayed containing the items that one militia group requires their members to have. There were three rifles, camos, a King James Version of the Bible, 1000 rounds of extra ammunition and enough for their handguns. There are plenty examples of wrong being done in the name of God, but nowhere did we read about the Hadeeth or the Koran spurring violence against "infidels".

* According to Merriam-Webster an ISM is "a distinctive doctrine, cause or theory." And based on the politically correct information supplied, the International Spy Museum (ISM) is propagating theories along with facts. This is most dangerous as many will blindly believe both as truth.

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