Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Senator Byrd's Picture is Missing

Visiting the International Spy Museum with my son I noticed its subtle political correctness. For example, on many occasions the exhibits mention the "Japanese Americans" who numbered 120,000 and were forcibly sent to internment camps. Reasons given for the internment included fear and the ubiquitous racial discrimination charge. In fact, a quote from a government employee dated November 1941 is shown stating "[T]he Japanese Americans pose no threat."

As we encountered the false information I provided my son with the correct information and facts that were conveniently omitted. I can only hope that other parents had their interest piqued.

How does this relate to Senator Byrd's picture?

The ISM (rather apropos*) includes a category of Hate Crimes and has an extensive history of the KKK. While there are many folks included by name such as David Duke, I wondered aloud, "Why isn't Senator Byrd's picture here? He was a member of the KKK."

If David Duke is not an appropriate individual to run for public office, why do we tolerate Senator Byrd? Does he remain in office due to the support of West Virginians or does he use other methods to maintain his office? Surely it is not unpatriotic to question Senator Byrd's ability to remain in office if we can have the MSM and others outright lie about our military.

One more thing, there was ample connections made between the KKK and the violent militia groups and their belief in the Bible. For example, a "closet" was displayed containing the items that one militia group requires their members to have. There were three rifles, camos, a King James Version of the Bible, 1000 rounds of extra ammunition and enough for their handguns. There are plenty examples of wrong being done in the name of God, but nowhere did we read about the Hadeeth or the Koran spurring violence against "infidels".

* According to Merriam-Webster an ISM is "a distinctive doctrine, cause or theory." And based on the politically correct information supplied, the International Spy Museum (ISM) is propagating theories along with facts. This is most dangerous as many will blindly believe both as truth.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat a Hero?

Does the MSM really believe that a top FBI official leaking information is a hero? Merriam Webster defines a hero as a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities.

The reason provided by Mr. Felt's family for his actions was he was upset about being passed over for a promotion. Mr. Felt does not qualify as a hero. Have we really devalued "hero" to include vindictive people like Mr. Felt?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Public School New Low

This is amazing. The only thing missing is the officer wearing his uniform for the demonstration.

What about safety concerns? Did anyone take into consideration the safety of the spectators? What about those in adjoining classrooms? Heaven forbid that this was in a multi-level building.

Homeschoolers I have met are proud their children do NOT know how to create their own meth. Hmmm, maybe that is why homeschoolers typically do better on achievement tests.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Cold Feet Can Be Expensive

The strange events of Jennifer Wilbanks' disappearance does create many questions. However, there are some questions which are not being asked. For instance, why are we so eager to have her reimburse the city/county/state for costs they incurred to search for her?

Let's take it a step further. Why are we not demanding the same from the criminals? Remember Brian Nichols? There has been no public debate about him reimbursing the city/county/state/federal governments for their expenses. Or those long and dangerous police chases, do those apprehended pay for the damage they cause?

Restitution must be a part of any reform. Requiring restitution by criminals will drive the point of personal responsibility home.

While irresponsible adult behavior can be forgiven, it does not mean that the consequences of those actions are dismissed. Jennifer may have great difficulty paying the $100,000 some have estimated, but it would be reasonable for her to receive an invoice for services rendered.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

"We Have a New Pope"

The words the world has been waiting for since John Paul II's death. Watching the events unfold during lunch today, I watched an interview on CNN with some German citizen's in the Vatican. The question was raised about Pope Benedict XVI being a conservative. The Catholic to whom the question was posed answered, "Well, I'm not as conservative as him, but I think the church needs to change." He didn't agree with all of the church's views.

The Church does not need to change. The Bible clearly states the Church is God's instrument on earth. It is neither a building or a denomination; the Church is each follower of Jesus Christ. The interviewee has a disconnect between the Bible and his own personal worldview which I call arrogance.

We can have disagreements over different items, some more critical than others, which leads to our denominational differences. However, who are we to say the church/Church needs to change simply because we don't share the same views? I have seen this excuse often used as a way to deflect personal responsibility for non-Biblical behavior.

Let's move beyond our personal feelings and conform to what the Scriptures say. We really ought take direction from God through His Word. Or, is it that we would rather approach the Bible with our own presuppositions? Personally, it is easier for me to feel smug when the Bible agrees with me. It is much more uncomfortable to agree with the Bible. The Bible is not something we can simply pick and choose what we want to follow. Either it is all true or it is wholly suspect. For me and my house, the Bible is true.

Congratulations to my Catholic friends on the selection of their new Pope, Benedict XVI. May God use him to accomplish His will.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Kofi's Attempt at Deflection

This article would be funny if it wasn't for the Left's predisposition to swallow it whole! According to Kofi's latest comments, the U.S. and Britain bear the responsibility for the Oil for Food Scandal. Next he will be blaming his son's involvement on entrapment. Or, maybe on the VRC?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Congress Does What it Supposed To

While the liberals decry intervention by Congress in the Terry Schiavo case, they provide another example of hypocrisy. The will of the people of Florida is to prevent the forced starvation of a living human being. Some nut case of a judge does not seem to understand the words in the Declaration of Independence that we have "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We grant more life, liberty and happiness to the most heinous criminals and baby eagles. However, we are not able to sustain these same Rights to a human whom a handful deem to have a poor quality of life.

Congress has the right to involved itself in such matters as this. Unaccountable judges are thwarting the will of the people. Moreover, that will is something our forefathers recognized. Perhaps this judge needs a U.S. history lesson.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hey, Kofi! You Forgot Something

How can you say, "A United Nations that fails to be at the forefront of the fight against anti-Semitism and other forms of racism denies its history and undermines its future"? Certainly, you have not already forgotten about Rwanda or Darfur have you? What comes to mind when I mention these two words? The UN has not been at the forefront, unless you were referring to a rapid retreat.

You, of all people, are not qualified to speak on the subject of the fighting racism. Your experience in this area has been deplorable at best. However, let me thank you for the life lesson you provide to my children. I taught them this:


When are you going to move beyond mere rhetoric to significant action?

The IsraelInsider has an article on today's opening of the Shoah museum in Jerusalem.

TSA Needs a Physical Agility Test

In the early 80's I traveled up and down the West Coast taking written, oral and physical agility tests to earn a place on the hiring lists as a firefighter and/or a paramedic. The written test narrowed those who would move to the next stage. The physical agility further narrowed those who would endure the oral exam.

Many of the stations in the physical test simulated tasks that would be expected of a firefighter or paramedic. For example, we would have to carry two fully loaded trauma boxes, one in each hand, while walking up three steps, walk down three steps, turnaround and repeat. We had a time limit to perform a certain number of revolutions. Another stage required us to take a bundled 50 foot length of fire hose off the back of a truck, load it on our shoulder, run 50 feet to the building, up four flights of stairs, drop the bundle, pick up another bundle and return it to the truck all within a couple of minutes.

The TSA needs to implement a similar physical agility test to determine if those applying are capable of performing the tasks assigned them. A March 15, 2005 GAO report (page 27 & 29), states "numerous federal security directors reported that on-the-job injuries related to lifting heavy baggage...were a significant concern at the airports for which they were responsible."

For some reason, these government employees are incapable of lifting heavy bags on and off the machines. Compare these employees to those of businesses such as Delta or Southwest. The agents at the ticket counter lift bags from the scales to the moving belt behind them without significant injury.

Oh, yes, how could I forget? The employees of private companies are only required to lift those heavy bags on to and not off of the moving belt.

If you cannot perform the tasks required of your job, then you need to find another. In the case of the TSA (government) employees, they keep their job and create a potential for a hole in security.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Infanticide is Alive and Well in America

Without taking away from the battle for Terry Schiavo's life, FreeRepublic has a story on a woman who wants to take her baby home. However, the doctors at the Texas Children's Hospital have succeeded in obtaining court approval to remove a 6 month old child from a ventilator. This ruling goes against the mother's wishes.

The Gronigen Protocol out of the Netherlands at least recognizes that "the parent's preferences must be followed." In America, it is up to the doctors and the judges; not those most closely involved.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Disease or Epidemic?

If democracy is a disease then it is on the verge of being an epidemic. Look what is happening in Syria here and here. This could be one of worst scenarios for Kennedy, Kerry, Biden and Pelosi.

I wonder what the mullahs in Iran are thinking about these events in Syria? Could it be that Iran is not far behind Lebanon?

What Went Wrong With Brian Nichols?

This weekend watching the tragic events occurring in Atlanta I listened to the MSM interview family members of Brian Nichols. It was as if they were reading from the same script. The stories were setup with comments similar to: Brian’s mom works for the IRS and they live in a nice upscale community. Then, neighbors and extended family members are shown saying kind words about Brian and his immediate family. The appearance was they were trying to figure out what went wrong with this young man.

Since Mr. Nichols was not from a poor neighborhood and did not come from a family of welfare recipients, the MSM could not understand it. Their worldview is that poverty is the cause of crime. If poverty could be eliminated, crime would be significantly reduced. Sadly, they don’t get it, or worse, refuse to acknowledge human nature.

Their simplemindedness is their downfall. Here was an individual who allegedly committed terrible crimes and did not grow up in poverty.

Man, the general definition, does not need to learn to be bad; it is natural. We have to learn to do good. We teach our children how to be polite, proper manners and to sit up straight. Our legislators are constantly writing bills to protect us from one another (another subject for another day). If we are basically good, then why are new laws passed that make certain behaviors illegal. We should know what is good and do good. Instead, we look to the government to protect us from bad citizens.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Superior Firepower Indeed

While browsing various sites today I came across an ad for a T-shirt. Now, it's not that I haven't seen it before, it is that this T-shirt is more poignant today: "Peace Through Superior Firepower".

Consider the following: We have seen elections in both Afghanistan and Iraq, Libya made a move towards the West, North Korea soiled itself and then decided to rejoin multi-lateral talks and the Lebanese are demanding a representative government.

Would we have seen these dramatic changes if Algore had won in 2000 or Kerry in 2004? The answer is a resounding NO! Here's what would have been accomplished within Kerry's first 100 days: Kerry would have apologized to North Korea for his actions in Vietnam, declared his 'magic hat' (scroll to 9/18/2004) a national treasure and recommend the Lebanese be more tolerant of the Syrians.

Thanks to President Bush and his cabinet for their leadership and hardy thanks to our superior military personnel for their service and sacrifice. The world and our nation is safer today than it was before September 11, 2001.

Peace Through Superior Firepower - It Works!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Bald Eagles More Valuable than Terry Schiavo

This past Saturday morning I made the mistake of watching NBC and listened to their drivel. They did a piece on Terry Schiavo and that on March 18th "her feeding tube will be removed" read: starved to death.

Immediately following this item was a piece on bald eagles that had been killed for their feathers. It showed the beautiful bird in flight and several perched in trees. Then, it showed several dead birds on the ground. Yes, this is a crime and the poachers, should be punished. However, it was Campbell Brown's comment after this story which is telling. Ms. Brown said, "I hate that."

My point is that Ms. Brown was silent on the issue of starving Terry Schiavo to death, but was upset enough about the bald eagles to "hate" what had been done to these birds. Few will disagree that the bald eagle story does involve a crime, but what about the act of starving a human?

We have so devalued human life that we place a higher value on animals. Take for example the television show on Animal Planet titled "Animal Cops". This show is a classic example of animal rights activists gone nuts! Do not lose my point, our culture's emphasis is upside down. We can argue about Terry's "quality of life", but removing her only method of receiving nutrition so that she will die is a willful act. It may not qualify for "malice aforethought", but it does meet the definition of manslaughter.

In the 1970s a philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, created a film series dealing with the value of human life. This film series was titled Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Dr. C. Everett Koop, before he became Surgeon General, was also a part of this project. Mr. Schaeffer said "The thinkables of the eighties and nineties will certainly include things which most people today find unthinkable and immoral, even unimaginable and too extreme to suggest."

He was right.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Praying Outside of 'Church' is Illegal

Eritrea, a small country who struggled to break away from Ethiopia for years, outlawed all religious groups except Catholic, Islam, Lutheran and Orthodox. They have been arresting, see story here and here, those who meet together at any other location for prayer, worship or Bible study.

Is it me or does this sound a lot like what is happening in China?

Thursday, February 24, 2005

To Protect and to Serve? Not!

I am typically a strong support of our law enforcement and give them the benefit of the doubt. They have one of the toughest jobs, if not the toughest. After all their hard work some bleeding heart wearing a black robe confuses the criminal with the victim; the criminal walks while the victim puts bars on their windows.

Here's a story where a plainclothes office charges a woman holding a baby with assault.

Here, here and here.

The officer is fired and all charges are dropped. Read it here.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Thank you Howard Dean

With Gov. Dean at the helm of the DNC, I see some interesting discussion as we approach the next presidential campaign. Our first observation, however, is that we owe a debt of gratitude to Howard Dean. Today, we pause and thank the former governor in advance for providing the Right with wonderful quotes. For example, here's one from the weekend in Washington, DC to the GLBT Caucus that "You are among the most persecuted people in the history of mankind." Then, he continues with "If Clinton can be the first 'black president', I can be our first 'gay president'."

Does anyone else recognize that words have no meaning to the leaders of the Democratic party?

This election cycle is going to be fun. Let's enjoy the ride.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Their First Gig

Tomorrow night the two oldest children have their first gig providing dinner music for a marriage conference. This week I have been arranging parts and helping them get their plan together. Yes, I have had to put in some extra practice too as they have a few pieces that will require an accompanist.

They have been wanting to begin using their musical talents to earn some extra money. Two months ago they held their first piano concert (free) which was well attended. Tomorrow, they'll use their woodwinds along with a few piano pieces.

Being classically trained pianists, this venue gives them an opportunity to move beyond the timeless Rhapsody, Sonata and such to songs that their friends will find familiar. In fact, the oldest is participating in a Piano Master Class, but between sessions will be playing at the conference.

DISH is NOT a disease

This week we experienced the pigs, as DISH puts it, as our "special" price was increased by 42%. After more than 30 months with the local cable company, we finally have had enough. Even with explaining to them that we are moving to DSL and satellite they made no attempts to keep our business.

The hassle is that all the lists and friends who have the soon-to-be-former email address have to be notified. This inconvenience is worth some value but not at the rates cable wanted.

I had always thought the DISH commercial with pigs running through the house was humorous; now, I know that it is accurate.